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Professional Learning

TrueNorth offers over 200 professional learning opportunities each year. The professional learning provided by TrueNorth is designed to refine and expand knowledge, skills, attitudes, and practices in order to impact student growth through intentional, continuous, and collaborative engagement.

A wide range of topics relating to all educators and students are addressed through TrueNorth’s Professional Learning, including:

  • Supporting SEL/behavior (individual student, classwide, and systemwide)
  • Access to instruction
  • Coaching 
  • Equity for all 
  • Presentation skills
  • Assessment 
  • Teaming/collaborative skills
  • Networking opportunities

These sessions are free to all member district employees and TrueNorth employees. Member district employees include anyone who is employed by one of the 18 member districts. See TrueNorth Member District webpage for information on member districts. Non-member district employees may also attend for a fee.  


Why Participate in TrueNorth’s Professional Learning? 

TrueNorth’s vision of professional learning is to empower diverse learners (a “learner” being everyone/anyone) to collaborate in order to develop equitable and inclusive learning environments, which leads to actions that impact student growth and potential.

Educators who have attended professional learning with TrueNorth report that their participation contributed to knowledge and skill acquisition resulting in a change in practices and student growth:

  • 93% of participants report that they acquired new knowledge and skills 
  • 86% of participants report they embedded new practices into their work 
  • 85% of participants report that student growth was positively impacted
  • 94% of participants would recommend their colleagues commit the time to attend professional learning at TrueNorth

Testimonials from educators who participated in TrueNorth’s professional learning:

I opened up my mind to continuously learning and modifying my approach to working with students which ultimately positively impacted students.

The continued opportunity to come together is really valuable, especially when conversations span across districts and roles. The TrueNorth team has been a shining example of professionalism and really make it easy to love this work.

I love the small workshops to practice our skills. We become habituated in certain practices and need to keep trying new ideas.

The cohort experience has been valuable. It has been so nice to continue to develop a relationship with peers who share similar experiences in their coaching journey. I would love to stay connected with this group in some capacity.

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Contact Us

Lindsay Kiraly
Director of Professional Learning and Coaching

Innovation Team & Methodology

Helpful Resources

New Professional Learning Platform: KickUp

Register for TrueNorth Professional Learning on KickUp. Browse the offerings, sort by the courses that are relevant to you, and register today! 

Log In to KICKUP


Frequently Asked Questions

Still have a question?

Contact our Professional Learning Department at