Supported Learning Environments
The TrueNorth Supported Learning Environments (SLE) Program provides educational services to students ages 6 – 21 with developmental delays, cognitive disabilities, autism, and multiple disabilities. The SLE classrooms are integrated into our member district’s general education school buildings to foster and support age appropriate, peer-oriented social connections. The program design is individualized outcome-based programming built on a core curriculum for instruction in academic, community, and vocational skill acquisition.
Students in the SLE Program are taught and supported within a trans-disciplinary service model where the teacher, speech and language pathologist, occupational and physical therapists, adapted PE instructor, nurse, intervention specialists (social workers and school psychologists), vocational coordinators, transition specialists, assistive-technology consultant and teaching assistants all work in tandem to maximize each child’s learning across all areas of development. Instructional services are planned and implemented by the team to support the student’s daily educational program and achievement of individualized goals.
The basic tenets of the TrueNorth Supported Learning Environments Program are:
Inclusion: To the highest degree possible, students within the TrueNorth SLE Program are provided opportunity to learn and socialize with their same age peers through participation in academic or non-academic classes, or through peer programs facilitated by the program or school. Additionally, the SLE Program has a strong community-based instructional component that facilitates the generalization of academic and social skills into a natural community environment.
Self Determination: From the development of the daily educational program, to establishing long-term transition goals, the SLE team works with each student to develop a sense of self-determination in making current and future life choices. Students are encouraged to participate in whatever manner possible in their Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings to ensure that all planning for post graduation life is student driven.
Transition Support and Sustainable Long Term Outcomes: Experienced transition specialists work with students and their families to develop realistic transition goals for post graduation life and students work with their team to develop their personal transition plan based on those goals. In addition to planning support, transition staff provide direct connections to appropriate adult service and support agencies for students and their families and introduce a wide variety of options in determining what will best meet each student’s post graduation needs.
Contact Us
Lynn Clarke
Director of Instruction
TrueNorth 804
760 Red Oak Lane
Highland Park, IL 60035
(847) 831 5100 x2128
Anastasia Wood
Learning Coordinator
TrueNorth 804
760 Red Oak Lane
Highland Park, IL 60035
(847) 831 5100 x2119