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The Circle of Courage

Everything we do is driven by the core belief that every student can be successful and that we all need a healthy community in which to grow and change. Our school community is grounded in the principals of the Circle of Courage* which asserts that there are four essential values that drive a healthy community.


These values include:

Belonging: feeling valued and accepted has the power to transform relationships and inspire change.

Mastery: by developing skills and competence, a student’s desire to achieve is strengthened.

Independence: by finding their voice, advocating for themselves effectively, and understanding the value of others in their lives, students can better embrace the responsibilities of growing up.

Generosity: by experiencing the power of a giving community, students can recognize the wonderful gifts they have to share with others.

We could all benefit from a Circle of Courage community, but we have found that students with emotional and behavioral challenges are especially responsive to a community that embraces these values.

*Circle of Courage is a registered trademark. Visit for more information.