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Website Accessibility

TrueNorth Educational Cooperative 804 is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities.

TrueNorth Educational Cooperative 804 digital content and related services have to be fully accessible to all. We are subscribers to AAAtraq to assist us with vendor management, staff training, litigation insurance and compliance monitoring and reporting. Key to our compliance commitment is ensuring our digital service partners understand and deliver to the accessibility standards. The basis of our purchase and your supply of services is set out in this document.


We are focused on the delivery of the best possible, fully compliant online experience for all our visitors.

Our commitment, we would hope is also shared by our supply partners. Working in partnership we can all ensure that those who access our online content can regardless of accessibility needs enjoy their online experience and transact with us online.

The purpose of our supplier policy is to set out why accessibility is important to us, our expectations of suppliers – to summarize the standards we are looking to them for and confirm reporting requirements.


We expect you, and your staff to appreciate and understand the importance of and the detail of online accessibility.

We expect you and your teams to share our commitment to deliver to the WCAG accessibility standards as laid down by the W3C.

Your ability to understand, adhere to and deliver against the standards is key – any and all services, software, system or content asset meeting at a minimum the checkpoints across WCAG 2.1 Level A and Level AA.

The expectation is that this is considered to be covering any; all (in their singular or plural) elements, assets, service supplied or software (including related services) product procured for use online (public facing or otherwise).

Our expectation is for you to be able to show documented processes, not limited to staff training, service management pre and ongoing compliance testing.


The ADA Act (Title III) prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in the activities in places of public accommodations. Online this means ensuring we can demonstrate reasonable adjustment and that we have our own process around staff training, reporting and monitoring.

We must all work to the common standard defined by the W3C, as the WCAG ver. 2.1. The specific, and individual check points as detailed in Levels A and AA. Adherence to Level AA requirements does not in any way demonstrate adherence to Level A requirements. Each level has a separate set of requirements.

People using screen-reading devices generally are unable to read documents directly in PDF format, unless they have an accessibility plug-in installed on their system along with the Adobe Acrobat Reader. This plug-in is available at no charge from Adobe. Adobe also has online tools that will convert PDF files to HTML on request. To get the plug-in and latest news about Adobe’s accessibility tools and services, visit Adobe’s Accessibility website.

Learn about Adobe Accessibility

If you experience difficulty with the accessibility of any web content or documents, please call 847-831-5100 or send an email to to request this information in an alternative format.